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Open-Top Duck & Brie Pies (Read 225 times)
Aug 29th, 2019 at 9:03pm

Derek   Offline
The "Camp Oven Cook"
Joined: Nov 10th, 2003 at 2:00pm
Last online: Yesterday at 9:05pm

Lockyer Valley, Queensland, Australia

Gender: male
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Posts: 17271
Puff Pastry
Two Fresh Duck Breasts
Brie Cheese
Red Onion Chopped
Carrot Sliced
Broccoli Florets
Garlic Crushed

For Sauce
20 gm Plain Flour
15 gm Butter
300 ml Milk


Prick the skin of the duck all over, season with salt and pepper and cook in a hot camp oven skin side down for 8 minutes.  Turn and cook the other side for a further 8 minutes. Put aside in a warm place


Grease pie tins and line with pastry.  Blind bake until pastry is cooked and browned.  I used dried beans to blind bake


While pastry is baking remove most of duck fat from camp oven and stir fry onion and garlic for several minutes.  Add carrot and broccoli and stir fry for about 4 minutes.


Meanwhile make the sauce by simply placing all ingredients in a small camp oven and whisk while heating until thick and smooth

(Sorry no photo - whoops)

When pastry is cooked add a generous dollop of sauce inside with two large pieces of Brie then add sliced duck and the vegetable. Then top with two pieces of Brie


Cook for a further 15 minutes to melt Brie


Serve with potatoes smashed with butter

Open-Top Duck & Brie Pies

Puff Pastry
Two Fresh Duck Breasts
Brie Cheese
Red Onion Chopped
Carrot Sliced
Broccoli Florets
Garlic Crushed

For Sauce
20 gm Plain Flour
15 gm Butter
300 ml Milk


Prick the skin of the duck all over, season with salt and pepper and cook in a hot camp oven skin side down for 8 minutes.  Turn and cook the other side for a further 8 minutes. Put aside in a warm place


Grease pie tins and line with pastry.  Blind bake until pastry is cooked and browned.  I used dried beans to blind bake


While pastry is baking remove most of duck fat from camp oven and stir fry onion and garlic for several minutes.  Add carrot and broccoli and stir fry for about 4 minutes.


Meanwhile make the sauce by simply placing all ingredients in a small camp oven and whisk while heating until thick and smooth

(Sorry no photo - whoops)

When pastry is cooked add a generous dollop of sauce inside with two large pieces of Brie then add sliced duck and the vegetable. Then top with two pieces of Brie


Cook for a further 15 minutes to melt Brie


Serve with potatoes smashed with butter


Camp Oven Cook
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